RESPECT OUR PICKET LINE & SHOP ELSEWHERE - Employees of Ammo Bros Cerritos DAY 2

Why? Why try to unionize doing a job in unsafe working conditions, when their are ample jobs with similar even less stringent requirements out there that pay more? Not smart having retail employees put up new drywall. The union is gonna negotiate the contract and the employees will be just as fucked cause the union will be taking the pay increase from the worker in the form of union dues. At UPS, the union wanted me to work below minimum wage for the first 3 months. They would take out dues and make me prepay my medical benefits from my check to make it so that I would be working for less than minimum wage and won't give new hires a full schedule. I fucking hate unions. I was poor AF and needed the money and hours 15 years ago. Ended up getting a job at Homedepot that paid almost $10 an hour more at night. I still won't use UPS & see unions mostly as parasites feeding off the workers to support the leadership.

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