[RF] A boring man does boring things in a realistic setting.

This guy, quite a boring guy wants to be famous. Always wanted to. He also spends a lot of effort finding reasons to bash himself. Whenever he is creative or expressive he overthinks how he sucks, it sucks. How people might have an honest reason to hate him. Disgust him even. But then again he reminds himself that he might one day live a dream and so he tries to pick himself up, to snap out of it. He browses www.reddit.com/writingprompts looking for some inspiration, where he stumbles upon a prompt that reads: "Write about a boring man doing boring things in a realistic setting."

"So you want to hear about me? Well I can do this.

I hate having to do shit, you know. I work sometimes, now and then. Like, for a week or 6, so I have enough money not having to do shit, which is kind'a depressing, but then again, I hate having to do shit. I live with my parents, but I have my own living room. It contains a couch, a desk with a computer, a TV, a lot of books, vinyl records and six guitars. I like music, I play it because just sometimes I find myself in the zone and it's just amazing but all the other hours of mediocrity remind me that I have no fucking business demanding people to pay to listen to me.

I like reading too, because you have to do very little and in return you get a shot at understanding some of the great ideas of great minds.

But still it requiers an activity which is really not my thing. So I watch a lot of series. When I run out of them I rewatch.

I run a few times each weak though. Makes my life a little better. I like to feel healthy and I've always been a bit gymnasticly ambitious.

I like boxing too, and I used to be quite good at it, but my gym is like an hour's travel away so that's really a lot of work for those sparks of discipline and I tell myself "not today" three times every week.

So I Netflix. And before I go to bed and I remind myself that I'm a total piece of shit. And then I doze of at the slightly drunken haze of what I'm one day going to do with my potential. And that I won't be perfect but I might be great, and someday I will do everything I always wanted for myself. I'm going to train three times a week and win a boxing match. I'm going to write stories every day and one day crap a decent novel out. I'll write an album and play with a band. I'll have found the stones to reach out to the one that got away and we'll be in a perfect relationship."

And then he smiles and says for a god to hear that he'll be there waiting for the day that something changes.

But it never would.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread