RIP Christopher Plummer

economic inequlity in extremes causes revolution, but its not always tied to fascism. economic inequality in regulated amounts is good, as it creates motivation for people to achieve a better life.

what causes a normal concervative to turn into a nazi who wants to kill jews is the echo chamber.

that same echo chamber is why you think you can just deplatform ideas to make them stop. you are attacking their right to express their views making you a type of fascist too.

you need to stand up and say that is wrong, that is the effort needed to fight extremist and fascism, tell them they can't say what they want to say is wrong, and will result them becoming more extremist and eventually violent, as demonstrated at the capitol.

btw, im taking my queues from noam chomsky, so if you want to consider his philosophy "utter drivel" then you my friend need an education.

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