Rip Trippers: Good or Bad?

Well first off I don't follow youtube reviewers at all. Simply for the reason once you get a product for free your non biased opinion is now biased. Something that would really annoy me say minor leaking in a RTA would now be ignored since I didn't have to pay for it. Just using that as an example pretty sure it would annoy me if I got it for free.

I for one don't get sucked into the interweb drama but have friends who will tell me all about shit that goes on with people they DO NOT know. Same goes for ALOT of people and for a normal human being that shit is the most annoying thing to hear. Worrying about a person you DO NOT know and gossiping about them like you do. Like somehow what they do effects your life in any way. The whole dehydration thing, it could of been something shady but his symptoms were related to dehydration... so drinking an electrolyte drink would help that. Now if he did this to make a few bucks... eh I really don't give 2 fucks. Not to mention anyone taking medical advice from a youtube reviewer is a moron. I'm not going up to the guy who mows my lawns for medical diagnosis. To think the FDA's evidence to crack down on vaping would solidified from a reviewers video on vaping is also moronic. Those ploys are for the sheep. The ones who don't do research/think for themselves and guess what? Those people and everyone who talks shit about a guy on youtube are VERY similar in that sheep aspect. It reminds me of highschool which that mentality is brought back up in all facets of life as an adult.. The guy who was a "nerd" so everyone picked on him.

Looking at him in a completely non biased light. For all the "bad" he's done I am also well aware of all the good he's done. For someone who the interest of vaping was sparked so they decide to youtube it and found one of his videos. Then took the plunge into vaping and stuck to it which I assume is a large amount just by his viewer count. The pro's outweigh the cons. I also do understand that he has a vested interest into this lawsuit due to him being a business owner that revolves around vaping. Is that wrong? No its not. He has no loyalties to you he however does have loyalties to his family and having one of those costs money. Someone with a broad reach like this is never a bad thing even if they "sold out"(btw not saying he did or didnt I really don't care either way). With his reach like the video I watched due to this post if every one of his viewers did donate $1 he could easily get the money to help the guy with his case.

/r/electronic_cigarette Thread