Roma Grand battle in the colosseum Part two

Mike looks to see the monster and see that he is going to bring the wall down. He then sees the still downed Raphaela. Mike moves and grabs her by the arm, Pulling her up. "We have to move NOW!" Raphaela then brings her self up holding onto the bisento. The two quickly move out of the way of the destruction before they are crushed. The four look at the beast and try to devious a plan. "We can't move on it till the tendrils are down." Berge said. "Then we will have to tear them down" Mike says trying to be manliest. "There is a lot of stone to go there before we can break one of those things." Raphaela replied. "With my sea stone staff, I could do it easy." Karra said. "But that would take time" berge retorted. "It's simple, We go one way, then karra goes the other. we hit each tentacle as hard as we can!" Mike says ready to put his plane in action. "It's down two already!" Raphaela says wanting to put this plan in action. "This plan is ok, I like it." Karra says as she grips her staff. Looking dead on the left tentacles. The rest of them look over at the right tentacles, ready to move. Them both groups let out a battle cry then move.

Mike, roro, and berge move in at the left tentacles. Mike out speeding the other two puts his elbow in front of his charge and aims it at the tentacle.yelling *JUSTICE SPEAR. Berge followed closely by Raphaela pulls his arm back then throws a punch at the monster. Once it connects he will shout **POP PUNCH. Raphaela then placed her bisento against the ground, having the blunt part act as a propelling system. She then flings both her knees at the monster and steels DOUBLE KNEE.*

Karra charges the beast right tentacles. She puts her staff in front and aims the sea stone tip at the monsters closest tendrils. With this move landing it will bring the tendrils down in one blow. Both teams mobile hoping for the best.

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