Roof Riding LMP2s

Alright dude I think you're brain dead.

Not once did I say I drove into him on purpose. The other guy said I fucked up a corner and was driving slow as fuck, yes I missed my braking spot a little bit but didn't go off track, and then the other guy hit me from behind. He could have avoided me just like I should have avoided him.

I'm also assuming I was blocking him because that's what it looks like in the video, this happened almost a year ago I can't remember exactly what happened.

So much gatekeeping on this subreddit. "Oh you didn't follow the sporting code to a T? oh you made a mistake? No fun or quirky videos allowed, this is a SIMULATOR"

I'm just gonna delete this, just of you guys can't just step back and have a laugh. Go jerk off to your IR and SR.

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