Roses are red, Violets are blue

You don't get my point.

Hadith were written centuries after he died and transmitted by oral whispers. How do we know anything attributed by this so called muhammad is true? Hell non bias hadith information suggests the quran was written far before the 6th century. Believing in hadith is a joke, just like the whole religion is a joke.

I mean what if my tumblr (a furry rights blog) became famous and everyone started preaching furry rights. Then I die and people start talking about my blog with their own accord. Then some Scalies (enemies of the furry movement) want to degrade my work so they make up lies about me calling me all sorts of things.

Fast forward 1400 years later the Furry Religion exists and random people on the Internet are calling me all sorts of horrible things, just because those Scalies made up those lies to suit their own agenda. Now is it fair people are insulting me? What did I do?

Anyway course this is just one speculation. It would be easier accepting hadith, I would have 0 doubts of returning back to the quran.

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