Sanders: I'm going to be president

from the other thread:

Sanders announces his candidacy, says that he's in it to win it all the way. The media reports on his candidacy, saying that he'll be a voice to help nudge Hilary to the left. Sanders says he's going to win. Media reports that Elizabeth Warren is definetly not running, Bernie jumps in the polls. Sanders says he's going to win. The media reports that Sanders has further jumped in the polls, but that he's still behind Hilary. Sanders says he's going to win. The media reports that Sanders is raising more money than any other candidate from the general public, but that he is still behind Hilary's war chest. Sanders says he's going to win. The media reports that Sanders has been drawing crowds that eclipse any crowds that any other candidate can draw. Sanders says he's going to win. Emboldened by Sanders confidence, progressive bloggers start coming out, recognizing what's happening and that Sanders CAN win, even on high profile sites like HuffPost. Sanders says he's going to win. The grassroots community is electrified, organizing on their own, to build the infrastructure for his national campaign. Sanders says he's going to win.

When you're trying to rally a group of people to your cause, especially when it is an uphill battle, you have to rally the troops, and show full confidence that you're going to win. ESPECIALLY when the mainstream media is framing Sander's campaign as one to influence Hilary's campaign. No one is going to put all their effort into a campaign to try to influence another candidate's policy, especially when that candidate is an establishment candidate who has already been bought and paid for. Sanders is saying this because it sends the message to the grass roots, and everyone else that the media is wrong about framing his candidacy that way. He's in it to win, not just because it inspires us all, but because it is a call to action, and one that is being heeded.

Case in point. In Michigan yesterday, we had our first official meeting for the statewide grassroots campaign. This is AFTER the individual city wide groups and campaigns have been meeting, some almost weekly, at cities across the state. People are showing up to rally's and meetings, with some in the hundreds of people, ready and willing to start campaigning, and do the work necessary to win. If you're a lurker, or a redditor who is watching all of these Sanders posts, saying, "oh there's no way he can win" or "can he really win?", then I recommend you get off of the Internet, and to your nearest meeting or rally that's popping up in your city and state. In Michigan alone, we have people who are car pooling and driving for HOURS to these meetings and rally's, it's a level of excitement that I personally have never witnessed before (including Obama). Statewide campaigns to build the support for their primary, and to provide the volunteer and material support to New Hampshire and Iowa are already in full swing. If you're in Michigan, you can go to after Midnight tomorrow night when it is supposed to be ready with its updated content, where you will be able to add or get the rundown on events happening in cities near you, plus resources for you to download, and campaign training videos to be added in the future.

Make no mistake, things ARE happening, and the campaign is growing quickly, because Bernie has been saying that we're going to win, and you know what? We believe him.

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