School warns parents that some students might have leprosy (SoCal)

I look at anti-vax crowd wanting to slap them with FDR's crutches for hating medicine.

I looked into their beliefs because I was curious, and they aren't anti-medicine and don't 'hate medicine', they believe there's reason to think that a couple specific vaccines have dangerous side-effects which have been suppressed by the pharmaceutical industry, I think the MMR and Gardasil shots or two? I'm not sure.

that and the 'vaccine schedule' that kids are now subjected to is either dangerous because of a cumulative source of some type of toxic chemicals in the vaccines that are OK in small doses but not OK in a multitude of doses, or that it's more likely to cause disease like auto-immune disorders (not just "autism") by provoking all the immune responses in little kids.

antibiotics can cause death/danger/blindness/deafness/etc. - that doesn't mean "antibiotics are fake", or "i hate medicine because i say that", I sometimes wonder if that whole argument around the pharma products has been put out by a PR company. "If you question the safety of our specific products, you hate medicine and think vaccines will make you retarded, haha what a crazy person! None of our products hurt anyone, we love you all and we're just here to help, don't listen to those crazy people who say we're causing damage to children".

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