Science, The Great Deceiver - a great metaphor for the non-believers in your life.

Faith should not be based on deception or misdirection. To equate science with faith is like saying "I love you" is the same as "My coffee is hot". One is a personal choice and the other is merely a detail - a fact about something and nothing more.

There is no one or the other here because science... does not exist as a thing. There is the study of science but no specific thing called science. We collect details like how hot is hot or how fast is fast etc.

Words are funny though and by an artful choice of wording and syntax... you can say one thing and make it seem like that says something else at the same time.

These days many people of faith seem to be trying to make a debate exist between science and faith as if one MUST cancel out the other. They want to make an either/or. Either faith or science but not both. They say in effect that "God can make cold coffee hot and hot coffee cold in an instant if He wanted to and so forth as if believing in God's arbitrary omnipotence is proof that they have faith.

But I believe God made hot to be hot and cold to be cold. God created hot and cold and everything else and that seems omnipotent enough for me but not for them. They want God to change His creation on a whim. Make that iceberg boiling hot and that campfire freezing cold because He feels like at that moment for some reason? I don't pretend to know what God does at anyone moment but through science I can understand a small part of what He did when He created the universe. From what science can tell me - I think God did a great job getting it all working together like it does and it sure is pretty too. God makes great stuff. Science tells me that.

Does God even exist atheists will ask! The answer is who the fuck knows! It is a matter of faith of course. Believers can't prove God exists and atheists can't prove that God doesn't so both should shut the fuck up and mind their own business!

Does science prove that God doesn't exist or that God does exist? That's asking a lot in my opinion, one way or the other.

Faith is a matter of choice and science is a matter of details.

I'd discuss my belief that God exists with you but science tells me that my coffee got cold while writing this and I need to get a fresh cup!

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