Scientists caught off-guard by record temperatures linked to climate change. "We predicted moderate warmth for 2016, but nothing like the temperature rises we've seen,"

Keep thinking that. Scientists have been trying to get the word out, with solid evidence, about this specific peril i.e. climate change for years now and it has met overwhelming opposition. Why? Because taking steps to combat climate change is a huge shift away from fossil fuels. The shift from fossil fuels means some pretty rich and powerful people lose a lot of money. They don't want that, so they lobby hard to make sure we do nothing about climate change. In America specifically, they sided with politicians on the right whose voter base is honestly the perfect candidate to not give a flying fuck.

First of all, they're largely elderly. You think a 60 year old man cares about things that will happen in 2040-2050? They'll be dead. Secondly, they're super religious. The end times means Jesus is coming back, so of course they welcome the apocalypse. They already look everywhere for the anti-christ and number of the beast. Lastly, both sides have become so entrenched in bipartisan rivalry, that any position one takes, the other will oppose. Leftists think climate change is real? Hell if I'm a damn communist. Climate change is just a theory, like evolution or that Bazinga show.

You're right though. It is all about selfishness. It's the idea that "I'm gonna get mine before the world ends." I also suspect a lot of the folks in power think their money will save their family and they might be right. When shit starts hitting the fan, they'll be the ones who can afford all the sky rocketing prices. When it starts, the poor people will be the ones drowning and starving.

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