Scientology's propaganda about HBO's upcoming documentary "Going Clear" has begun.

I get what you're saying. However, being a Scientologist hasn't made me compromise my independence, or being in the real world. I will say, that I grew up in Scientology, so many of my friends are Scientologists. However, I recently moved to a new city, so most of the current people I hang out with, actually aren't Scientologists, so what I do isn't for the "connectedness" or feeling part of a group. I know that this is the case for some people, but that's not why I am a Scientologist.

I know that organized religion has a vested interest in putting their best foot forward, and not wanting people to see the downside to what they are a part of. If the time comes when I feel that it is no longer helping me, and is only for the money or what have you, I'll take a step back and re-evaluate the situation.

I know that the Amish ostracize people for leaving their church, and I see what you're getting at with the policies of disconnection from Scientology. Based on what I've seen (which is quite a bit), the policy of disconnection comes when there is someone that is a negative influence on you and is stopping you from improving your life. However, it is very rare that disconnects actually happen (contrary to what is read on the internet), mostly what it takes is getting in communication with the person and saying "hey, what you're doing/saying here is only making my life worse" and most of the times they will respect what you have to say. So, while yes, I do think that some of the people that are members of the church are only there because their friends or family are there (which can be said about any group), I don't let that affect what I do. If tomorrow half the people dropped out of Scientology, because they were only there because family/friends, that doesn't change the fact that I have gotten quite a bit out of the courses and auditing that I have had there.

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