Scraper: First Strike available on Steam & the Oculus Store. In-game items are free for everyone. Code below.

Sure PM_ME, no problem at all. The game is packed with missions, lore, boss fights, engineering, scavenging and will play like a full-featured RPG. If you play through quickly, do some missions, some engineering and just try to beat it fast as you can on normal, maybe 3-4 hours. Do all missions, get the achievements done, play on hard after engineering two mod slot weapons, with tier II mods and you are looking at 5-7 hours depending on play style. It's different for everyone of course. Here is a link to an almost hour of game play and it is only the first level. You can always go back and engineer the best weapons with the best mods to get ready for Episode II and you can farm for mats.

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