Sean Connery placed 3rd in the Junior Division of 1953 Mr Universe. His short lived bodybuilding career caught the attention of Hollywood, which landed him as the first James Bond in 1962.

”I swore to protect the constitution. I don't give a shit about washout losers like you.”

Yikes, no intellectual honesty I see.

Coming from you that’s golden. The guy with a palsy brother who calls those he dislikes autistic. Ha

I don't think you know what cowardice means. Go ahead and look that one up in the dictionary lol.

“Cowardice is a trait wherein fear and excessive self-concern override doing or saying what is right, good, and of help to others or oneself in a time of need—it is the opposite of courage. As a label, "cowardice" indicates a failure of character in the face of a challenge.”

“someone believing themselves to be superior to their peers, which you clearly do.”

Don’t worry I did the work for you. I don’t think YOU know what cowardice means, fucking coward.

I assumed somebody proclaiming to be the moral police would act morally. Instead of being a hypocrite and doing the same things that they get mad about lol.

I would’ve posted your picture and called you a retarded ugly fat slob too but you’re too much of a coward to post any pics. You make excuses in your head like “I can’t doxx myself I’ll lose my job!” when you know not one of your superiors gives a flying fuck that you posted a physique pic to Reddit. Fuck, your Commander in Chief is even being betrayed by TWITTER for the incompetent assholery that he posts around. You guys are very alike. I’m sure you see that as a compliment though.

literally paving the path to the death of our country that you pretend to protect.

Yeah I really doubt that.

You would. Because then you’d be accountable for your actions. If you succeed and make everybody hate themselves and each other, what happens? Our country is almost there, I’m sure your efforts will help tip the scales.

Hahaha I guess I'm not that surprised that you don't understand hyperbole. Even when it's explained to you.

So maybe you can explain why when you suggest someone take a hit it’s hyperbole, but when I say the same shit it’s an assault on your very character? Do you even know what hyperbole means? You clearly didn’t know what cowardice meant. Here, let me help.

”Hyperbole - exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.”

Maybe next we should go over the word “hypocrite”. They sound the same, but one describes you and the other describes everything you say.

”Hypocrite - the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform.”

Sort of like deriding someone for their comments when you’ve posted similar comments within 3 days time. Then absolutely denying said comment on the pretense that it was an exaggerated response. Infantile.

”So telling someone directly that they should kill themselves is the same as telling someone that you're happy that some random junkie is dead? Hmmm. Your morals confuse me. But then again you're inconsistent and hypocritical with a lot of things so I'm not super surprised.”

Hopefully we don’t have to go over hypocrisy again, I think you’ve understood the meaning. Telling someone you are happy they are dead is very moral I’m sure. You must be a Christian. Aaand again, I never told anyone they should kill themselves, you put those words in my mouth to further your argument, then denied doing the same thing multiple times in a short period. I told you to opt out. You took that as go murder yourself. I think you should seek help if this concerns you so much.

”But you're not doing that. If anything you're showing me that morals don't fucking matter. Because you yourself are acting disingenuous morally.”

Because I came through here with the intent of hurting others? No... that was you buddy. You had no purpose here but to stir up shit and then insult the ones willing to call you out on it. Morals don’t matter anymore when you’re dealing with an immoral person. This is how mutually assured destruction keeps us all from turning to ash. Something I'm sure you are adept enough to understand. Locking the Hitlers of the world in a padded 9x9 does nothing but reinforce that they can do what they please to the world and live to laugh about it.

"They don't actually do that bud. You watch too many movies. They don't in Army boot camp. You know Pyle was USMC right?"

They absolutely do that bud. Where the fuck you think the movies got it from? Wifebeaters? Pyle was USMC, what's your point? They don't have people who clearly don't fuckin belong anywhere in the Army? Then how did you get in?

"Do you even think about the things you right? Or are you just so morally bankrupt that you have no intellectual integrity?"

HA! Do you even think about the things you "right"? You're quick as fuck on that apostrophe in "your" but can't write the word write... Hahaha

Are you so financially bankrupt that you have no integral intellect?

"Parallel thought. I don't know what kind of military hero worship you've got going on, but we're all goofballs who like dick jokes. Not sure why you think we're all like no fun."

The problem is your definition of "fun" here. Dick jokes sure, whatever. You take offense at being compared to USMC Private Pyle, but then you go around treating everyone you cross like they're him. There is a huge difference between goofing off and being a huge twat to everybody. By the way, the military are intended to be just as much of societal role models as the police, but clearly that's gone out the window ages ago, in the Army anyways. Figures the fuckin reserve grunt thinks he's hot shit.

"Imperative? Come on dude."

You're right sorry, I will try to use smaller words for you next time. I can type in all caps too IF YOU LIKE.

Clearly a wasted effort. Your post history screams douchebag so I don't know why I even bother. Not like you'll ever realize how much of a dick you tend to be. Or if you did, not like you'd give a shit anyways.

Just try to remember, you have only three rather uninteresting things that define your life, by your own admission. Doesn't give you much wiggle room to be bashing software designers and engineers on their life choices or appearance. And you're fuckin lucky I would even count the mini pigs among those defining traits. But hey, at least you lift, right?

Don't be too angry this go round. It's sexy when my wife does it. You, not so much. Well maybe just a little.

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