Searching for the "Drexel Disk" a Macintosh Program given to Freshman at Drexel from 1984 - 1988 (

Searching for the "Drexel Disk" a Macintosh Program given to Freshman at Drexel University from 1984 - 1988


Hey all,

I am looking for a copy or download of the "Drexel Disk" that was given to freshman between 1984 - 1988.

The link is an abstract to a paper by the late Dr. Hewett but I was hoping that either an alumni or potentially a staff member still has a copy in existence so it can be preserved (if it isn't already too late).

I have access to a Macintosh 400k floppy drive so if there is a copy out there I can preserve it and return the disk.

Also there was a disk called “Co-op disk” which would contain the same information.

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