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Hello! I'd be happy to work with you! Anki is an awesome resource because it has timed reappearances for flashcards to be reviewed within a study session. It also has day-bay-day review of flashcards for one's you determined to be difficult while studying them.

The plan I have is three stages: 1.) Content creation: reading through the books, and creating flashcards based on the content. Anything that's fluff doesn't make it to a flashcard but anything factual does. I'd much rather have a lot to study so we can know a lot than get to the test and be in a "oh shucks" situation.

2.) Actually studying the material. So with the anki flashcards made, we'd be going through them at x chapter(s) a day; Rereading the chapters and memorizing flashcards. This is when we'd read for grasping concepts, not really in phase one

3.) Practice practice practice. Doing review passages and full lengths prior to the actual exam to build stamina and determination, as well as understand question formation.

If you're interested, I'd like you to start as soon as possible. The behavioral sciences book is done, and I'm a little over half way through with the general chemistry book, and I have a friend who is almost done with the bio book. Everything is done is google docs, so if interested, I can share links and a little more description on formatting.

Please let me know what you think!

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