Hahaha. Well, everyone reacts to things differently. It really resonated with me due to circumstances in my own life. My dad and I get along much better now, but there's still a tension because we're total opposites. I'm a tree-hugging, atheist, liberal, pro-choice, pro-gun-control, feminist, multilingual, Democrat, accepting, peace-and-love kind of homo, and he's a macho, drill now!, bible thumping, conservative, let's shoot em all up, women belong in the kitchen, Republican, xenophobic, homophobic, "this is 'Murica!" kind of guy. My parents divorced when I was almost 2 for good reason, and we didn't get along. I hated sports, had no interest in football (which is like a religion in the Southeast of the US) or baseball, and was a bookworm nerd. When I was 17, he came to see me, and after meeting a friend of mine who was a lesbian refer to "her wife", he freaked out and spent a good hour preaching and screaming at me, and told me loudly in a restaurant I went to frequently with friends "if you ever decide to become a faggot I don't want to know cause then I'd have to kill you". So I didn't come out to him til 10 years later, and he's tried to be more accepting, but the whole gay thing he wants to know nothing about, and we don't discuss it. The couple of times he's come to visit me, he's sneakily left religious tracts behind for me to read. I know we'll never have the relationship I wanted to have with him, and I accepted that long ago. I know that when he dies, presuming he dies before me, I will mourn not only my father, but the death of the hope for the relationship I wanted us to have. So that's why Alyssa impacted me so.

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