it seems like a lot millennials are very selfish conversationalists, probably because their parents are narcissists.

Every day I have a coworker who talks nonstop about Pokemon, he is nearing 40, lives with his parents. I barely give anything into the conversation, but everyday he sits near me in the parking lot while I'm having my coffee on the curb, and every day it's "dude i caught this ligglypoo" shoving his phone in my face. Every day for 3 months he tries to get me to download Pokemon Go, I tell him that I'm not interested, but continues on like I didn't say anything.

I know he's trying to be my friend, and I can appreciate that. Sometimes I shows me a Pokemon and I say "oh cool" ask him about lore if he seems down or lonely and that usually perks him up. I try to talk about movies or shows I've seen or mention family/relationship problems but he usually ignores it and goes on about God damn Pokemon.

/r/dankmemes Thread Link -