Sen. Mark Hass thinks public records are only for journalists not, you know, the public

The background check system needs significant updates, but a lot of that is predicated on technological capability of municipal justice systems. The OSP needs quick access to all public records, especially arrest records for people already in the system. The background check system is already a web-based system and the last time I went through one, it took less than 30 seconds. There are allegedly people who have had much slower processes, but I have never actually seen two-sided reasoning for this - usually only unhinged mouthpieces like OFF complaining about it while providing no details outside of graphs produced by OSP.

Background checks should definitely be quick, convenient and comprehensive, but there also needs to be strong enforcement of failed background checks. Failed is certainly a different situation than delayed, and needs to be treated accordingly - unfortunately, OSP doesn't have the resource to respond in person to every failed check. Until that occurs, background checks don't necessarily have any teeth.

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