[Serious] Black redditors, honestly how do you feel about white folks in general? Is there lots of hate toward whites in the black community ?

Not black, so don't know if my answer matters, and I can only speak from my experience of the sections in my area that are deemed ghetto/trashy/urban. So don't take my experience as speaking from the perspective of any class except poor.

I grew up in the slum parts of my area and have lots of friends that grew up the same from many races. I was more rural, and many of my friends were more urban. But what I noticed is that there is no real racism towards whites in the black community. There is however a bias against people that have no experience with their issues, or in other terms - people that cannot relate. There was always hostility in my neighborhood and theirs, when people would come through and act like they were above you. Or worse when people come into your area and just stare at you like you are gonna attack them or give them disease by breathing the same air.

Oddly, I notice white people (my race) give me the most grief, or are the most racist/judgmental. I've grown up split between classes. I can socialize with "white collar" people, and they have no clue I want to slap the shit out of them when they make jokes about those less fortunate than them. I correct my coworkers and work friends all the time on their misconceptions of other races or poor people.

I also fit in around the bad sections of my neighborhoods and the immediate city close to me. I have many friends in bad sections, and I laugh when some people I work with won't try a restaurant downtown (for fear of a big bad black man mugging them).

My friends and I would spend all night out on our bikes. Hanging out, stealing money or food when we could get away with it, and constantly getting in fights. It was just our way of life. We didn't see anything inherently right or wrong about it, that's just how we lived. I learned to stand tall and never let anyone give you shit in public. Any slip and you were the weakling that got their ass beat on. We learned to have each others back, no matter what.

I've known some truly amazing people that have done horrible things. These people would have my back no matter what and give me the clothes off their back. But, they wouldn't give some of the people I know now the time of day.

I think that sometimes is perceived as racism from black towards whites. You can't trust people from outside your area. You can't trust people that don't understand what it's like to be in your position. The people from the outside are honestly against you, even if they think they aren't. The worst are the ones that talk about what it's like to grow up like we did without any clue, and they talk with this compassion that is straight out their ass (I know that's not their intention).

Today's a perfect day for me to think about this, so sorry for ranting. But, everyone seems to be talking about the Kanye quote about Bush hating black people. And it really is just like that. At that time, in that moment, there were two sides that day. One knew exactly what Kanye was saying, and another thought he was a jackass. That's what it was like for us. It was us vs. them.

/r/AskReddit Thread