[Serious] Doctors, Nurses, and other Healthcare workers of Reddit: what is your opinion of Bernie's single-payer healthcare plan?

You are correct in your assumption that my only experience (as an adult) is with Tricare.

I've never had any problems getting treatments, referrals to specialists, etcetera. I received treatments for cervical cancer, as well as Hashimoto's Disease, and am currently seeing a GI for other issues. We didn't pay a dime for labor & delivery and had the best prenatal care in the whole area without paying anything out of pocket. However, I also realize this is anecdotal and my experience very well may not be what others experience when using Tricare Prime.

It is interesting to hear from your perspective, because I didn't know how difficult Tricare was for the physicians. For those of us using Tricare, (at least in my case), it's been easy and efficient, and we never have to worry about how we're going to pay medical bills or prescription costs.

But, from your experience is Tricare run the same as Medicare or is my understanding incorrect? Do you like Medicare? I am interested to see what physicians think about single-payer systems, because I have read that doctors will take a huge paycut.

This worried me because it's exceedingly expensive to become a doctor for one thing, and takes years and years of schooling and sacrifice to make it to the practicing level.

Let me be clear that I am a huge Bernie supporter, but I am not the type of person to blindly follow whatever my chosen political candidate says, and I like to research and get other opinions from the opposition to make sure I have a full understanding of what's at stake.

I really appreciate your insight and sharing your response. Would you say that my experience receiving care with Tricare is not the norm? Also, when you say that reimbursement rates are at the Medicare level, you mean that physicians are being underpaid by Tricare, right?

If so, do you think that Bernie's plan to raise taxes on the wealthy, and close the loopholes that allow corporations to get out of paying billions in taxes each year could supply the single-payer program with enough money to pay doctors appropriately?

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