[serious] Why does it seem like feminism is more concerned about western issues of gender inequality rather than issues occurring in Saudi Arabia and the like?

When you make claims, you are expected to provide evidence.

Reminder: YOU are the one originally posting an opinion about feminism that isn't backed by anything. Maybe you're used to encounter targets that forget their path half way through, but i don't really see how these gymnastics are gonna save YOUR point in the situation we're in and YOU provoked.

When you get upset that the world is ignorant and you refuse to back up your claims, you're part of the problem.

I'm not responsible for your laziness, and i owe you nothing. You created the problem we're in. Maybe it now makes me part of a problem, but you sure are the source of it. I'm happy to explain things to people with an open mind. You were past that point long before you even posted this thread. Nothing i say will change your mind. You're here to astroturf. Your post's title is signature manipulation in order to present opinion as fact.

I really don't get you. First, why do you have to do such gymnastics to get your point through ? Why can't you make an honest title from the start. Something like: "Hey everyone, i'm a male, i'm uncomfortable with feminism and i'm also uncomfortable with the Saudi regime, can you strangers of the internet please give me your approval for both distinct thoughts ?".

I agree with the fact that the Saudi regime is an oppressive bunch of assholes (like any religious authority if you ask me), but I really don't get what anyone's problem is with feminism. Feminism is about equality of treatment between men and women. And yet you manage to present it as a bad thing. And yet you manage to oppose it in your brain with the struggle of Saudi women for equal treatment. I don't get it.

Why do you feel you have to counter feminism ? Is this a religious thing ? Do you just desperately need to be part of a group of people that you like and that incidentally berates feminism or considers it an enemy ? Does women-bashing makes you feel more like a man ? Do you feel threatened ? Do you have a tiny dick ? Are you a suppressed homosexual ? I really don't get it. Really.

The proud, lazy, ignorant and servile beings you parrot the words of are not only part of the problem, they're the whole problem. They're obstacles on Humanity's way towards progress and reason. They are historical aberrations and self-perpetuated anomalies. Good thing is: nature shows backwards animals the exit door, one day or another.


Just a question though: are you a bot ? You guys all sound the same, as if there only was one "brain" behind you all, and your methods for deflecting criticism are always the same, even if they become more vicious with the time. I really hope you're human though, because automating such vapid regressive thinking would defeat the purpose of inventing bots in the first place. Plus i'm quite fed up with wasting my time on bots.

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