[Serious] How can I be less materialistic and less motivated by money/cars/gadgets/women?

I've always been very materialistic. Always had to have a nice car, a nice home, an iPhone on launch day, nice clothes, a big TV etc. I would only drink in the nicest bars with the best views and go to nice restaurants. I had a good job with a good salary and could afford all of these things, and to be honest, it made me really happy. I always wanted the latest thing. If I'm honest I liked the feeling of having something others didn't and having something others wanted. I always thought women would want to be with a guy that had money, that could look after them and buy them nice gifts etc.

That was before I lost my job. I was fired and along with losing my job, lost my girlfriend, my home, my nice car and all of my money. I had to go bankrupt. I now barely have a enough to live off and have had to move back in with my parents. I've had a really hard cold slap in the face and I'm pretty depressed.

The life I had is gone. I can't easily get it back. Having reflected upon it, I realize I was too materialistic. My whole life was based around gadgets/items/cars making me and others happy. I would strive for the next best thing and if I didn't have it, I would WANT it.

I realize this is not the right way to think, but it's hardwired into my brain. I still want a nice car, I want the latest phone/tv and a nice home and I want to impress women.

I have met so many women that make it obvious that they are looking for guys with money and to be honest, my experience to me doesn't make me think otherwise. I mean, who would want me, a guy who lives with his parents with no money? I'm a nice guy and not bad looking, but if I can't provide and support, why would a girl want me?

I want to enjoy experiences, enjoy life etc but I am too focused on material things. I am hardwired to believe that I can't be happy without a nice car, gadgets, money and a nice home and holidays.

I ENVY others that are happy having no material items and just love life based on having a nice time with friends and family and experiencing new things. I want to be like that. I need a new job but I'm too obsessed with finding a job where I earn lots of money.

I hate seeing all these executives/CEOs/directors etc on Linkedin, photographs of them on a yacht with their Harvard degrees and "President of the Oxford Rowing Club" etc with a beautiful girl on there arm. That seems so far off for me. Why can't that be me? Why am I so unlucky?

So reddit...

How can I be less materialistic and not want nice things?

/r/AskReddit Thread