[Breeds] Girlfriend and I are looking for our first dog together!

I always frown upon people asking if it's ok to get a dog that you literally won't ever spend time with during the day.

If you work fulltime and your girlfriend too, just don't get one, seriously.

If you aren't able to have the dog on a schedule, you let him out in the morning 8 oclock, let him out at 12, give him lunch, let him out at 6, dinner, and let him out before you go to sleep you aren't able to take care of a dog. It's a domesticated social animal meaning it wants to be part of the family, if you are gonna treat is a lawn ornament that is allowed to use your house as an overnight hotel everyday, please get a cat or a turtle.

I already know you aren't gonna walk it, cause he spends time in the yard (that's gonna be your excuse) and I already know it's gonna be trained like shit.

2 friends of mine also work fulltime and decided it was a good time to get a puppy, granted she was unemployed at the time but now she works fulltime again, that puppy is now almost a year old and still pees inside because they have no time to train it, which is fucking pathetic. You are gonna be exactly the same and I need you to stop thinking about getting one, but that's probably not gonna happen. You posted on Reddit meaning you are thinking about getting one but you are stubborn and are not gonna listen to what we have to say.

Go and prove me wrong.

The reason why I'm so fierce about this is because I actually care about my dog. It is treated like family and is part of the pack. He is an inside dog, is an excellent playmate for my daughter and I will see him grow old. He can do dozens of tricks and was potty trained in 2days. That all because of my dedication and my ability to actually take care of him, because there is always someone home. Any puppy that is being crated during the day and doesn't see his owners for more than 6hours a day, is sad. "it's just a dog" no, stfu. Maybe lock your 3y old child up in your house without supervision for 6 hours and see what happens, you aren't supposed to do it because bad parenting. I feel the same about dogs, if you can't let them be a pack animal then get a different pet.

Think about that for a second, I hope I changed your mind.

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