[Serious]How do I explain that Humans use 100% of our brain?

Further: My friend is a huge HUGE conspiracy theorist and believes a whole bunch of random shit, but he also believes that humans use only 10% of our brain. We got into this when I tried explaining to him that humans are animals (in the animal Kingdom) and he argued that Humans are above animals because we are much smarter and have souls... oi.. but back onto the point:

I told him about brain scans and how they show the entire brain active, he said that the entire brain IS active but we only use 10% at a time.

He believes if we could use all of our brain we would know everything and that we would be super human or some shit. I told him that makes ZERO sense, and how would I know what the sun is if I lived in a fucking underground lair my entire life?!

He also believes that we only use 10% of our brain because we can't remember every single thing in life.

He argues that some people use more of their brain % than others because they are geniuses or much smarter or "gifted" at things, whereas others aren't.

The list goes on, all of his arguments were so horrid it makes me angry.

/r/AskReddit Thread