[Serious] If you were trying to convert me into a (or your) religion, what would you say to me?

Hmmm. I'm not really sure. I'm a christian (which is seemingly rare on this website), but

Let me start with some personal thoughts about why I think there is a God at all. There are things on this planet that lead me to believe in intelligent design (though I do fully accept evolution. The 2 don't necessarily contradict each other). Take a look at water. Completely necessary for just about all live on earth, yet it possesses several traits that practically no other substances have. For instance, it's one of the only substances which has a higher density in solid form than in liquid. If it didn't (like just about every other substance), the oceans would freeze up and we'd all die.

But why Christianity? Well, part of this is believing that the early apostles would have no reason to lie. Look at Paul. He was a Jewish Pharisee, and says himself that he was gaining credibility and prominence quickly. He was surpassing his peers in his studies, and was incredibly well-versed in the Hebrew Bible. Naturally, when he saw a new movement rise up, one that worshiped (what he believed to be) a regular man as the son of God Himself, he became angry, and traveled miles and miles to persecute them. But something changed. Something caused him to do a complete 180, dropping his prestige as a Pharisee to become one of the most zealous apostles you could imagine. This wasn't a mere moment of doubt, he spent years in prison for his faith, traveled hundreds upon hundreds of miles to spread the word about Jesus and the Resurrection, started multiple churches, and debated some of Jesus' own Apostles on whether Jewish customs should be followed by Gentiles (and even Jews). He tells us in Galatians multiple times that his message was not taught to him by man, and considering his attitude towards the Pillars (the Apostles who personally knew Jesus while He was alive), his argument is, to me, even more valid.

Of course, virtually all New Testament scholars (Muslim, atheist, or Christian) accept that a historical Jesus walked the earth, was baptized by John, cleared the temple, and was crucified. And considering crucifixion was reserved only for enemies of the state, Jesus must have done something to scare the Roman government (such as starting a movement that didn't fear Roman persecution because of what was promised in heaven).

Christianity is also (as far as I know) the only major religion that relies on faith alone to receive eternal life, which I find promising and realistic.

Now, I'm not thinking that I'll be able to convert anyone with this post at all, but I thought I'd just share (some) of my logic-based reasons for being a Christian.

/r/AskReddit Thread