[Serious] Late Nighters, what is the strangest/creepiest thing you have experienced in the dead of night?

Obligatory buried comment but here goes. I'm a 110% skeptical person. I'm not exaggerating when I say this as I'm an avid follower of Michael Shermer and James Randi. I believe in ghosts, UFOs, Bigfoot, or any of that stuff. But one night always makes me wonder. The summer before my friends and I moved on to college was a great one. Lots of late night parties and general chillaxation. One night myself and four other friends are bored so we decide we want to go some place creepy for shits and giggles. So we settle on a place called Beil Hill. No we don't know much by the way of specifics, just that the place is vaguely haunted. So we all pile into my old Cavalier and start driving into the Western Pennsylvania countryside. So we arrive to this isolated place off of Route 18 and at first it looks like a regular rural area. There's some farms and the occasional house. That was about it until we get there. As soon as we saw the hill whatever young bravado we had started to fade but we drove 18 miles to get here and no guy there was willing to appear chickenshit, so we proceed up the hill. It was a steep dirt road that was flanked by thick woods on either side. I drove us quickly to the top and turned the car around and proceeded downhill slowly. I instinctively stopped my car next to some strange structure. It was a fence but there was something off about it. It was clearly there for ages and had become a gnarled twisted pile of wood. I remember turning to my friend next to me and comparing it to the twig things they kept finding in the Blair Witch Project. I remember it was an eerie quite for the summer and while I was focusing on this fence I hear someone from the back seat say "huh?" which was followed by a scream. My friends immediately all start screaming "GO! GO NOW! WE GOTTA GO!" I was taken off guard so quickly that I didn't even think and floored it. I hauled ass all the way back to the main road without even realizing my headlights were off. So after a few minutes of silence I start thinking my friends were fucking with me, after all I never saw anything up there. Now there were two problems with this theory. The first was this was one of those times when you bring people from different groups of friends together so there was a lack of prank solidarity. The second problem was there story(I'll get to that in a bit.) The claim they saw a curious light at the top of the hill which was weird since we were at the top of the hill and there weren't any notable light sources. But all the same I tell them they probably saw a porch light and freaked themselves out. As soon as I suggested this one of my friends angrily screamed "IT WAS MOVING!". Alright they're really going for the Oscar on this one, so I ask them to continue hoping to catch them in a lie or a contradiction. They said as soon as the light popped up something came up from under my car, something "white and flowing". The one girl in the back said it was clearly a dress. So I call bullshit and we drive back. But a few weeks later I happen to be around a local history buff and the subject of Beil Hill comes up. His first reply was a smile and the words "Ohhhh the woman with the light" I stop dead in my tracks and ask him to elaborate a bit. He does and apparently the hill is haunted by a lady who was accidentally crushed by her carriage in the late 1800s. He says folks claimed she was seen walking the fields and woods of the area with a lantern trying to find her way home. I recently graduated college and found myself at reuniting with that old group of friends while I look for work. To this day the still swear they saw something out there. Like I said reddit, I'm a skeptical guy. But sometimes on quite summer nights I find myself wondering about the Lady and the Lantern of Beil Hill.

/r/AskReddit Thread