[Serious] Men of Reddit who have been raped by women, what happened, did you tell anyone, and did they take you seriously?

This happened to a very dear male friend of mine. And it breaks my heart to type it out.

When he was 24, he met a very nice girl at a college party. He never did drugs and he didn't drink that night. He told me she seemed totally "normal". Student, dressed normal, spoke intelligently.

He is a large man, trained in combat and can handle himself.

He was enjoying talking to her, party ended and she invited him over to her place which was close by. Then talk some more, start kissing and making out.

Out of nowhere, she slaps cuffs on him and cuffs him to the bed. In walks two men.

The entire thing was a set up. The two men cuff his legs to the bed. And proceed to do all sorts of things to him.

He told me this years after I met him and after it happened. One guy came all over his face, telling him how beautiful he was. The girl was there the entire time, masturbating over him.

I am sure he left out some details.

Now, how could a man his size go to the police and file a report that that nice, normal looking girl-next-door slapped cuffs on him and two other men along with her raped him?

He has told nobody but me. He will never, ever tell a counselor. He just tries to forget it happened.

But I will say this, it destroyed him sexually for many, many years.

Sexual assault on men exists far more than we are aware, and its all the worst because they know they will be laughed at and dismissed, or told they should feel flattered.

And if I ever find the girl that set him up, I will fucking destroy that bitch. I have no doubt she has done it to other men who like him, were new to the area, new to that college and a foreign student.

He was no fool and was well-traveled. He told me what shocked him the most was that she seemed so normal when they spoke. He wasn't some lonely guy, desperate for attention. He is a person who can pick up easily on red flags and is smart enough to avoid dangerous situations. But she played her role so damn well, he was completely blindsided.

/r/AskReddit Thread