A serious message to the LGBT community in the west

I agree with you but I don't think we need to stop voicing our displeasure with society. We can do both at the same time. For example, here i didn't get taught anything about sexuality, didn't even know it was a thing until I experienced it myself, and I'm in Europe. While I do agree we need to do something for the Middle East and places like that, that is really important and I can't imagine how much suffering they are going through and being legally killed for who I love, not voicing things like lack of education, being subjugated to secondary characters in shows, and those more social aspects we'll send a message that it's ok, so we can't shut up about them. But you do have a point there, and it truly is time for the global community to come together and save those of our community that risk their lives for being themselves, we just have to figure a way to do it.

/r/lgbt Thread