[serious] Is it okay to push your mom out of your life if it’s to protect your mental health and overall wellbeing? Why or why not?

It's absolutely okay. You don't owe anyone a relationship.

My mother was abusive to me growing up and continued it until I ended contact with her when I was 24. I knew her behavior was not normal, but I didn't realize how much it affected my emotional and physical health to always be subjected to it. I couldn't go on like that. I was seeing a good therapist at the time that supported me in the decision.

I am 30 now. At first, I tried to minimize contact with her, but because her problem in the first place was respecting boundaries, that didn't work.

It's been six years since I ended my relationship with her. Life has only improved. I have accomplished a lot of things I know I couldn't have with her constantly dragging me down and being abusive. People have said, "but she's your mother!" That's no reason to owe someone a relationship if you have to tolerate their abuse.

/r/AskReddit Thread