[Serious] People who have survived a suicide attempt, where are you now and what is life like? Or, if you considered committing suicide but decided against it, what made you change your mind?

I’ll start and break the ice…I’ve always had suicidal thoughts and self-harming tendencies, but never made an actual attempt until my last year of college. College was a rough couple of years for me, after going through a bad breakup and essentially being trapped in a major I hated because my GPA was too low to transfer out. My last year I had to complete my thesis, but I really had no will or desire to do much of anything at that point, let alone a project I was on the verge of failing. I had fallen into a cycle of ignoring all my responsibilities and obligations and isolating myself from my friends. I honestly just didn’t want to deal with life anymore. So one night I got really drunk and took a bunch of Prozac and figured that would be the end of it. Obviously I didn’t take enough because I just spent the next day violently throwing up. This happened right around the end of the year, so I decided to make a resolution for the new year to get my shit together and figure my life out. Right now I’m finishing up grad school on a scholarship, and have some post-graduation job opportunities. I think ultimately I’m glad I didn’t die, but I still often feel lost and make terrible decisions and have meltdowns, and it takes a lot of strength to keep going. But I think this way there’s at least the possibility of making things better and having a happy life. Anyway, I always find it cathartic to share secrets with internet strangers, I don’t tell people IRL about the extent of my mental health issues because I just don’t want to deal with that. So I hope that others feel some relief too at being able to share a deeper darker part of themselves.

/r/AskReddit Thread