[serious] People with nightmare siblings: what’s the most fucked up thing they ever did?

Kind of mild compared to a lot of others on here.

She says she was always joking but one of my sisters used to hold my head under water either with her hands or by moving her inflatable raft over me so I couldn’t resurface. This same sister also watched and laughed when I was swept into some water by a fast current. While I struggled to pull myself above water she just stood and laughed. The same sister also laughed when I was literally choking on my food when I was about 7 or 8 and I had to do the self-Heimlich.

An older brother once held me/my arm in place and told our aggressive dog to “get me” after he antagonized her. I still have the scar on my arm from the bite. That brother also punched out one of my teeth when I was 5. It took about 6 years for it to grow back in because it was not ready to come out.

Then there’s the two siblings who sexually abused me. One says he thought I would enjoy it. The other I’ve yet to confront. The first is the real nightmare sibling of them all. Narcissistic, entitled, ignorant, sexist, racist.. you name it. He’s been expelled from school for fighting, lost dozens of girlfriends due to his attitude, loses jobs even faster, yet thinks he’s better than everyone else.

/r/AskReddit Thread