[Serious] Reddit, I need your advice. My family and I are about to lose everything...

This is my first time actually posting here as I had just made an account on Reddit. But I could use some advice or encouragement right now. Here's my story; get ready it's long.

Near the beginning of this year, we were supported by my mother's teaching job and my father's job with an engineering company. Both my brother and I were in college (and still are) and if we had an issue making rent at the apartment complex we were staying at, the parents were more than willing to pitch in. I soon got a job, so some of the money went to supporting my brother and me. All in all, it seemed okay.

Then my father got laid off from his job in late February/early March and it's been a downward spiral into chaos.

You see, my dad was making more money than the rest of us, so aside from my mother's teaching job and my job, he was the main provider. Not that his job is gone, we have been baring trying to keep our head above water. Plus, Mother's teaching job stopped after the kids left for summer break.

My brother and my father have been trying to find jobs, but the lack of money has been crippling not only us, but the marriage between my parents. It's July now and not only are my parents behind on their rent, but we've (me and my brother) been served a notice to pay up within 10 days or we are out.

At this point, it's evident that we will all be homeless and I'm scared that considering my mother's already fragile state, she will either divorce Father or...something worse. I've tried to stick to a plan, but bad luck just keeps biting me (and the rest of us) in the ass. I don’t know what to do anymore; we're all ready to give up and I'm nearly convinced to drop out of college until things get better...

/r/AskReddit Thread