[Serious] Redditors who have had good fortune during the current job market, what industry are you in and what do you think helped you with your search?

I work as a software support specialist.

Before this job I worked as a Project Monitor for Asbestos abatement.

No, there are no connections between these two things. The closest thing to a connection would be how horrible the previous jobs I've had strongly motivated me to better myself and get the fuck out as soon as possibly.

I received and offer after randomly meeting someone through family, and doing a semi-formal interview. This got me into a phone interview, which got me into a real interview, which got me into a job I wasn't prepared for and had to work my ass off to keep. I replaced someone who left after barely a month, and nobody knew how to do what she did- ergo I had to "reinvent the wheel"

My advice:

  • Apply for a shitty job- but the kind that would honestly impress people. I was in and out of Prisons- maximum security included, working with guys who kept firearms in their trucks and generally didn't like me much. I put myself through a lot of shit in that job, but I came out so much more prepared to deal with people. My office job now is stressful, but I'm not scared or intimidated by a single one of the people I work with. They're nothing compared to that shit

  • Get a job nobody wants to do. There is so much less competition for a job nobody wants, which increases your chances of getting an interview.

  • Improve yourself. Pick a hobby, and then force yourself to stick with it- be it working out, archery, biking, something people can find interesting. It all starts at home, with you. For someone to pay you to do something, you need to be capable of proving yourself worthy- in their opinion. It helps to have some things to fall back on that could impress someone, and you never know when your future boss could have a shared interest which makes you seem more appealing

/r/AskReddit Thread