[Serious] Redditors who have or know someone who claims to have experience with extra-terrestrials, what stories do you have to share?

When I was around 15 years old I started reading message board posts online about a guy's experience with UFO's and how he was able to channel and view UFO's almost on command. I'm usually a pretty skeptical person but these posts were from a trusted and slightly public figure on the message board and were very compelling so I continued to read them whenever he would update the thread. Eventually I was curious enough to contact him for more information and I was able to add him on AOL instant messenger where I got to know him slightly more. He eventually revealed more details about the method he used to channel them, which ended up being pretty vague information that basically consisted of "You really need to believe that you are going to see them and trust that they are real, it requires a lot of focused energy but they will appear in the form of lights in the sky that move in inexplicable ways."

So I kept it in the back of my mind and a few weeks later I was hanging out with a friend and we started talking about UFO's. He happened to be really fascinated with the idea of extra terrestrial life so I told him a very detailed summary of the message board posts, down to the specific "method" used to make them appear.

It was probably around 10:00pm so he and I began staring up at the same spot in the sky around a constellation and began "focusing" and "truly believing" that these aliens would appear. Sure enough, a few minutes into doing this three different lights in the sky appeared from different directions, first moving slowly, then they intersected at a single point and sped off at impossible speeds.

To this day I can't explain it at all and think about it on a pretty regular basis. My friend is now a very successful engineer (so a competent, science-minded guy is my point) and we still bring it up and talk about it nearly every time we hang out. As silly as it sounds it has actually been a pretty reliable source of hope and wonder for me since then.

/r/AskReddit Thread