[Serious] Redditors who have or know someone who claims to have experience with extra-terrestrials, what stories do you have to share?

Back in 2006 I was waiting for food with my best friend in a Greek Restaurant in Seattle when suddenly all the power went off, and then back on, then off again and then back on. We didn't think much of it at the time, we live in Seattle and power failures sometimes happens. However immediately we realized it is not windy or stormy at all, weird oh well our food was done. We grabbed our food and walked out to the car. At this time I was too young to drive so my dad was waiting for us in the parking lot across the street. When we got in, he immediately asked if we saw a "green ball" shoot across the sky. We said no, but discussed how weird it was that the power went out and back on. So we start driving back to my house and we notice that most of the neighborhood still has its power off. We didn't think much of it, mainly because my house was on the main power line for the neighborhood (the same one as the fire station) so we never loose power. We got to my house and all the power was out. Okay we thought, this is getting weird. We soon fire up the generator and turn on the TV. We may not have had power but we still have cable. Anyways so we turned on KING 5 (NBC) KOMO 4 (ABC) and KIRO 7 (CBS) along with KOMO AM 1000 news radio to hear if there is any news about why the power is out, and what they hell was that green thing. We heard nothing about what happened until the 11 pm news. All stations talked about how most of Seattle suffered a power surge at around 8:45 pm and Seattle City Light was currently repairing the system. KIRO was the only station to mention anything about a falling green light from the sky. I remember the guy was standing in front of a green screen projecting a map of Western Washington. He was talking about how they had callers reporting the light and reported that the green light most likely made contact with the ground south of Olympia near Centralia. Other than that, there was no other news. It was the weirdest thing, and I just texted my dad and my best friend and they both still remember it.

/r/AskReddit Thread