[Serious] Redditors with depression, what is the best thing that the rest of us can do for you?

Plus, being healthy doesn't even do much in the grand scheme of things. I ran a half marathon last night and ate a bunch of Brussels sprouts today. This is practically my weekend routine at this point. Guess what? Future still looks pretty damn bleak, my society feels overrun with politically correct idiots, my career prospects grow dimmer by the day, ISIS keeps on doing its thing, and my white/male/straight privilege checks still haven't started coming in the mail. Every time I try to check my privilege down at the CEO business company, instead of laughing at minorities and drinking scotch with a bunch of other white guys, I just get yelled at by some middle class coddled feminist.

And I'm a pretty sane guy. I live an active life. I have good friends. I give more than I receive, and I always remember those who have given to me. I got into Mensa at the age of twelve but had the common sense not to go to their meetings. I got a perfect score of the quantitative section of the GRE and because of that I got into a master's program at the second best materials science school in the world and will graduate next year. By all objective measures, I'm a very fortunate guy with good future prospects.

And yet, after all that, it's taking a lot of mental effort to keep giving a fuck about the world around me. All I can say is that most of y'all out there are going fucking crazy. It's extremely hard to relate to my people, my country, my society anymore, when rampant PC thinking has washed out all rational debate and replaced it with vicious hatred for dissenting opinions. America doesn't seem to really give two shits about young men anymore.

Anyways, my point here is that many young men have good reason to feel depressed. But I'll finish this comment by reminding these people that they should not mistake the insanity of modern society as their own. Keep your body, heart, and mind strong, and look out for your fellow man. Some day we may have to put the pieces of this broken world back together.

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