[Serious]Why should any one watch Rick and Morty?

because it is one of the few shows that expects the audience to be smart. it doesn't pander to the common denominator and couldn't care less if you somehow get lost. For example, season one ends on a mild cliffhanger, and the show expects the audience to remember all the parts of the scenario when season 2 started without any explanation.

another reason is the fact that the show is both crass with fart jokes, as well as having intelligent humor which develops over time in the background. Sometimes only someone who watched the series twice could understand certain jokes hidden without context. it's humor is incredibly twisted, and it has some of the darkest jokes ever to hit television, i'm not even kidding. it plays with: death in general, suicide, rape, genocide, one's place in the universe, one's sexuality, how insignificant existence is, racism, pedophilia, the futility of morality, drug addiction, the hedonistic lifestyle, physical disabilities, mental disabilities, marriage, disease, sociopathic tendencies, torture, gang activity, it took a big dump on religious groups, and probably a few more topics that I'm forgetting. the point is, there is nothing off limits. And beyond just approaching offensive material, it does so without the show itself being offensive.

despite being mostly comedy, the show can go from 0 to 100 real fast. There are some incredible moments in the show, and I can honestly say I teared up a bit during a particular sub-plot. It tackles some incredibly complicated social issues and does so without feeling preachy or telling the audience how to feel.

and finally it's plot is incredibly original. You oftentimes have no idea what is going to happen next. How is rick going to solve the problem of being trapped inside a simulation created by thieving alien con artists? is he going to create a rap concert? or will he strip naked? it's like a rollercoaster except you can't see ten feet in front of you. For someone like me who is sick of rehashed and recycled plot devices, it was like a breath of fresh air to be genuinely surprised.

I do realize that rick and morty isn't for everyone, but it certainly gets damn near close. it has mostly sci fi elements, so if you just can't even tolerate that, then this show is a no go. It is also pretty crass, and brutal. sometimes there isn't a moral to be learned after an episode or even a chance for character growth, and it seems to be implied that during those moments that life is simply unfair and cruel. There is also foul language which is randomly censored, so that's also a thing. So if who are constantly offended, or extremely sensitive to the pain of others, you should probably look elsewhere.

but I do recommend that everyone watch the first two episodes at least. the pilot, while still enjoyable, is not as great as the other episodes in the series. And the show doesn't (in my opinion) get its stride until the second episode. That alone is an incredible feat. so go watch the first and second episode, it only totals up to an hour of your time and you can watch both for free on the adultswim website. So you literally have nothing to lose. So go on, get watching and form an opinion!

/r/AskReddit Thread