[Serious] Those in interracial marriages. What obstacles do you face/have you faced that you weren't expecting?

My cousin's wife is extremely mixed. Caribbean roots (primarily Trinidadian) with some French mixed in. Cousin is full-blooded Korean.

They live down in the South, where it's mostly white and black, so they get some curious glances here and there, but from what he told me, no one really questions them about it other than a bemused look or two (moreso because she's probably a good 3-4 inches taller than him)

He loves the Caribbean lifestyle and culture; and his in-laws in turn have pretty much accepted him from day one. He's not really much for traditional Korean household and culture, since he was raised here in the States his whole life.

As for me... my ex was a Latina. One of the things that really annoyed me a lot was hearing, "oh my god, I love interracial couples" or "good for you man, us Asian guys don't really have much luck when it comes to dating". I even got a "oh wow, your dick must be big then, for her to be with you." I know they meant well (with the exception of that last comment about dick size), but it gets old really fast when 4 out of every 5 comments or so dealt with the issue of race and stereotypes.

/r/AskReddit Thread