A majority of Donald Trump supporters think everything has been terrible since the 1950s

First, U.S. workers didn't "luck into" fair wages and benefits. Instead, they fought and, in some cases, died to earn them in this country. Business owners were as opposed to offering fair wages and benefits then as they are today. It took fighting and strikes to achieve the labor progress which made the middle class possible. Many of the workplace benefits which younger workers take for granted today, like vacation and sick pay, were earned through those struggles.

I don't think you understood the above poster'a point.

The struggle you're referencing is the post-Great Depression labor movement. It's the 20s and 30s, between the two world wars. This is the Greatest Generation that fought tooth and nail to lay down the foundations for the 50s and 60s prosperity in the US.

The poster above is referencing the Boomer generation, which came of age long after the labor movement. When they entered the work force, unionization was the norm and labor had a lot of power. They didn't fight for anything. They got just about everything handed to them thanks to the struggle of their parents a few decades prior.

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