[Serious] Wealthy people of Reddit, what's it like?

Ah I ended lucky at many points in my life. It just seemed to chain together. A few examples when I was 17 I had worked enough part time to have saved up nine thousand dollars. My mom took me to a state auction on a holiday by mistake. For some reason the auction was open and nearly empty. I ended up bidding on a large but old and run down home and won for those nine grand. I rented out three rooms and used the last one myself and that chipped in a bit into my savings. During college my scholarships were a bit odd. One paid for 80% of the costs for my chosen school. So I needed an extra bit. I had gotten lucky and won a small art scholarship from an elective class in high school so I approached the scholarship and asked if they would pay for the rest of my degree in Psychology. They agreed as long as I also got a degree in an art related field as well. So I asked my state scholarship to fund 80% of my art degree and so I ended up going to two different schools for completely unrelated degrees. I ended up with money left over from each scholarship at each school so I just put all the left over into my savings. With the rent and the scholarship money I was earning a decent amount. So my plan was to get an unpaid internship at a very nice company for two years and paying for living expenses with my savings and come out with a great contract afterwards. So I ended up also getting a part time job, that's why I was regularly sleeping three hours a day for years on end. A few years later I ended up as a general manager at the fast food chain that was my part time job. I was nearing graduation and I took an unpaid internship at a small clinic for work related experience and left my job at the fast food chain. I graduated with two degrees and some minor psychology related experience and was accept for that unpaid internship I had been planning for. A month into it the manager for the ward had to leave the company suddenly so I piped in and applied for the position. With a bunch of work related experience, experience in management and a related degree and already an employee I was a convenient candidate and I was giving the position. I suddenly had a well paid job and I had a lot of money saved up. I was given a hire bonus and I decide to put most of my savings and all of my bonus into stocks in the company. Luck would have it again that the ward was about to be bought off by a larger medical company and the larger investors would get a very lucrative buy out deal. I had barely enough stock to count as a one of those lucky men. I decided not to take the buy out and have it merge into the larger company's stocks, my reasoning being I could keep my job, gain experience and be worth more in the future. I would still have a decent amount of stocks. I was the only one who didn't sell. A half year later I am told I'm to fly out to Chicago and meet with the board of directors. I meet with the board and I'm told I've been elected to join the board seeing as I met the requirements of experience and owning enough stock. We'll they later on vote to give the board a year end bonus and I get to tag along. I use that money to start a construction company with my parents and I keep investing from my company into stocks then I get quarterly dividends from stocks and use that to grow the construction company take that put it into stocks for more dividends and a large bonus end of the year. I keep doing and diversify after a few years and that's that. Most of my money is made by loans now.

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