CMV: Colleges and Universities should require ALL undergraduates to take a nutrition course.

Smoking is a different issue.

But it's a related one. We're dealing with an unhealthy habit that causes a public health crises.

I do not see how this will help me in dealing with a health crisis related to nutrition because nutrition is on a much larger scale than smoking is.

You don't think seeing how to solve one public health crises should be used to solve another one?

The amount of people who partake in smoking does not compare to the amount of people who partake in nutrition.

42% of the adult population smoked. It might not be as large, but it was still a massive part of the population.

Every person in this entire world needs to understand the health benefits and health consequences of the things they consume.

Can you show any evidence that people don't?

I am not sure where you were trying to go with this comment that is related to smoking. It doesn't necessarily address anything in my post.

Did you not read the last two bulletin points both of which fully address your point. For the first one it goes directly against your point on the value of the education. You seem to have an overly naive view that we can cure obesity with education, however even with more drastic efforts, we we're unable to do the same with another unhealthy habit. What makes you think that you can make nearly the same dent with such a weaker policy for a habit that is far far more prevalent. My second point shows you that there are many routes to improving public health that don't involve college courses. In fact, during the entire anti-tobacco movement hasn't even included one undergraduate course suggesting that it isn't essential to improving public health.

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