[Serious] what are some actual reasons to live?

OP and a lot of other people here sound like I did for my entire life not to long ago.

If you think everything and everyone sucks it's probably not the world that's that sucks it's you. You spend more time with yourself that anyone else so if you don't like yourself then of course being alive is going to suck a lot. It's entirely possible that the things you do (even if you think you enjoy them), the way you approach activities/responsibilities, and even your own thoughts are making you miserable.

I don't know why but most of us never seem to even try to change who we are as if it's some pre-written character who's plot we're stuck following even if it's boring or awful. It's not, everything about who you are is a choice (or can be once you start taking control). Your brain isn't some separate entity that has thoughts and feelings independant of your control. If you hate who you are you can start changing the script and even the entire character any time you want.

It's hard at first. Maybe without any effort to steer the course your brain defaults to a complete lack of motivation and direction and every decision produces a mixture of apathy and anxiety and the main internal response to every event or action is 'i should just kill myself'. It's hard to break habits but that's all any of that is. The first step is realising you can turn off thoughts at any time. You don't have to let them play out, it feels like you do but you don't. Practice being aware of your thoughts, write them down if you have to. Then practice stopping them. Interrupt the scene in your head any way that helps you. Pretty quickly it becomes easy to do and then you can replace all the negative hateful stuff that makes you miserable with literally anything else. Get some self help books for more detailed help on the specifics but my point is it's possible to change and I think that's the only answer to your actual question I could give that wouldn't sound like bullshit right now.

Also, if you're the type who is uncomfortable/anxious and it's 99.9% because you believe that if you weren't walking on eggshells that it would make other people uncomfortable then you need to decide to be selfish. Or at least that how it felt for me even though no one else seems to think I'm being that way (which is the point). Don't think of others and their comfort level or feelings and don't imagine what they may or may not think about you. Let that be they're problem and force yourself to do whatever you would do if you just didn't care about them at all. You'll still feel weird but no one will know. Practice believing they're all irrelevant and focus as much as you can on your posture, breathing, and thinking confidant thoughts. Push yourself by pushing your (false) idea of other's boundaries. It's ok because it's up to them to set real boundaries when and if they feel the need, you're under no obligation to premtively protect them from yourself. Most people that don't have anxiety don't even think that way so they won't even notice. You'll be acting different to you but to everyone around you you'll be acting normal. Or actually they won't even notice or think about you at all but you probably won't believe that at first.

/r/AskReddit Thread