[Serious] What did heartbreak feel like for you and how did you get through it?

It sucks. Physically, for me, my stomach is constantly fucked up and I end up like stress starving and losing a ton of weight (which for me is not good). Emotionally, a lot of second guessing and trying to figure out what went wrong and why it went wrong and what you could do to fix it, even when it is already too late.

Getting through it? Dunno, I still think about my first ex almost daily, and we broke up like three years ago now. I tend to mope around a lot which definitely isn't good but at the same time going out or whatever always made me really uncomfortable just because I felt like a constant downer. Over time I just kind of came to grips with it, it sucks/sucked because I never really feel like I had closure from the other side so I think it took me a lot longer because I kept feeling like I still had/have a chance.

Really though, as cliche as it sounds, time passing helps a lot, even if you aren't tangibly doing anything to get over things. While I still think about my old ex it doesn't bother me anymore.

I would say though, keep yourself occupied! The last thing you want is to be left to your thoughts. Read before you sleep, stay up late watching TV, go out and do stuff where you have to be focused. Don't just sit in silence, that was always the worst. Going to sleep was always the worst, so I forced myself to stay up really late to the point of exhaustion so I could just pass out when I hit the bed and didn't sit awake thinking.

Just got dumped again this past weekend, kind of, and so far I've been doing pretty well. Just keeping myself occupied, although my stomach is a mess.

But yeah, all in all, I'd say to get over it/get through it just keep your mind occupied and come to closure with the situation (don't keep hoping it will work out, just leave it behind).

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