[Serious] What have you done in real life that deserves gold?

I was on my way to work when I decided to take a different route to work for whatever reason (I had been driving the same route for 6 years). A few minutes from work I saw a naked baby in the road. He was walking in the middle of the street all alone. I kept thinking, "here comes his parents," but no one came. I jumped out of my car, picked up the baby and was scared shitless. I had no idea what to do. On one side there was apartments and the other a few houses. I ran to my car with the baby, pulled to the side, jumped out with the baby and started knocking on all the doors of the apartments. I assumed that maybe he ran out of the house and no one noticed. After 4 doors, I got no answer. Finally, I knock on one door and a woman answered looking terrified, which made sense (25 year old guy pounding on your door holding a naked baby). She said, "can I help you," holding a baby herself (clothed baby). I blurted out, "please help me! I found this baby!" She exclaimed, "you found a baby?" "Yes," I responded. "Please call the police!" She immediately ran to her phone and called the police to explain the situation. While waiting for the police she grabbed Naked Baby a towel and we talked about what happened. She was a school teacher and randomly took the day off work. It was unbelievable how random this all seemed. I called my work to explain that if be late because I found a baby. My work was more than understanding. While talking to Teacher Mom I started thinking, "what happens to this kid? Is he mine now (I was freaking the fuck out. I can't take care of a kid)!?" So while freaking out and talking to Teacher Mom, I see a woman running down a street, and I just knew, it was Naked Baby's mom. Sure enough, Naked Baby's Mom runs over and explains that she put him down and he walked out the front door. She was working on a paper for school and had no idea how long he had been gone for. It had to be about an hour (terrible mother). She ran about 2-3 blocks from where I found him, plus the time I had him. Minutes later the cops arrive, and I explain what happened, Naked Baby's Mom explains what happened. The cops thank me and continue to talk to Naked Baby's Mom. With the cops there, I turn and thank Teach Mom for answering her door for a panicked idiot. Seeing that kid out in the road, I knew I had to get him before something terrible happened.

TL;DR: Found a naked baby in the road. Mom comes then the police.

/r/AskReddit Thread