[Serious] What was the roughest patch of your life, and how are you doing now?

Pretty much all of 2009. It was also when I first got Facebook. I knew I was depressed, but I thought I was fairly okay. Now I'm getting the Facebook memories every few days. I was not okay. Not at all. My GF of 4 years and I had just broken up, she kept our cats, I lost the house we were renting and had to live in my brother's spare room. I was borderline alcoholic (something I only realised in the last few months).

I got better slowly by focusing on being better. Moved out of the brother's room, Made a career move, needed to not be hungover to do it, cut people out of my life that were toxic, started exercising again and took up a hobby. Gonna slowly got better and just in time for me to recognise an opportunity with someone knew. She is now my wife of nearly 6 years.

I put a lot of effort in to being happy because I remember it being bad, but those Facebook memories are scary! I Cut people who are toxic at the drop of a hat, I change jobs if they go stale. I exercise regularly, I have a bed time. I don't ever want to go back.

/r/AskReddit Thread