[Serious] What is the scariest thing to happen to you when you’ve been home alone?

I was home alone and I was the age of 14, this was back at 2017. My mom had to go out to pick up her prescriptions at a local CVS and I was too lazy to join her so I decided to stay home. She left at around 7:30 P.M. Once she got out the door, I safely locked it liked she asked me to and went upstairs to my room to watch some old-school TV drama shows. I continued the night like this until the clock hit 8:00 P.M. Exactly when the big hand hit the 12 mark, I heard heavy breathing coming out my door (Which was closed at the time). I thought my mom was home, so I didn’t think nothing of it. Then just a few minutes later, my TV turned off BY ITSELF and so did my ceiling light. I knew that I didn’t turn off the TV because the remote was not near me and I don’t know how the fuck the light went out. Then, the realization hit me, it was a black out!

/r/AskReddit Thread