[Serious] What stole your joy? Why do you not have the same zest for life that you once did?

I used to work in IT. I had from the moment I got my first computer in the 90s I decided that's what I wanted to do in life and I did everything I could to equip myself with as much knowledge as I could. When I finally got my foot in the door as sometime in 2010 I was dismayed. All people did was scream at me, belittle me, call me a liar (when it was sales who lied, not me), lazy people who wanted someone to come turn on their computer for them or plug in a telephone cord to the wall... Angry people calling from another country to fix thier spouses or mistresses internet and demanded dispatches then and there....

I ended up in the hospital twice from holding in my anger and one day I could not get out of bed because I was paralyzed with fear of going to work to experience that all over again.

I eventually quit IT and do warehouse now. I still replay those awful interactions in my head that I have with clients... Im also very directionless now because there is no alternative job to my skill sets.

/r/AskReddit Thread