[Serious] What terrifying confession has someone told you while intoxicated?

My grandpa was a ww2 and Korea veteran, he was in the RCHA and I believe operated an anti-tank gun. He didn't talk much about either of the wars outside of a few amusing anecdotes, he never got into any details about combat, except once.

In his late 70s he developed pretty serious alzheimers. Right before he went to stay at a home specializing in alzheimers care my grandma needed me to watch him for a few hours while she went to a doctor's appointment.

My grandfather at the time had lucid moments but lived a lot in the past - like one time I visited him at the home just after shaving my head and be asked me if I was "off to the front" - and he got to talking, telling me the same sanitized stories he always told about the war, I asked the same questions I always did... but then he started telling me a story I'd never heard, it was kind of a jumble as he was having trouble articulating... but basically what he said was that he (and presumably other men) stealthily snuck up to a German trench and my grandfather pulled one out by the scruff of his collar... and that's where the story ended, I think he realized what he was about to say, and I don't know what ultimately happened to that german... but I doubt it was good.

/r/AskReddit Thread