[Serious] What times has your life been endangered and what did you do about it?

I manage game reserve lodges out in remote parts of Africa and I've been in very close encounters with animals multiple times. I'm also a wildlife photographer so pretty much spent 9 years in the bush.

I had a pack of over 20 African wild dogs take down a kudu (large antelope) 5 metres in front of me, they'd chased it through the river in front of our lodge. I had my own dogs with me who were going crazy so I had to lock them in the guest room behind me while watching the wild dogs split off and try to come for us.

I've nearly been bitten by a black mamba snake once. We lived on a reserve that had plenty of them and one day I was walking to our staff village and just caught movement out of the corner of my eye. Black mamba face about 3 inches in front of my face in the tree next to me. Very angry black mamba.

With lions. One incident was we were actually in a vehicle (no roof as it was a game viewer and no rifle on us) and we are sitting with a large pride of 22 lions. We did not know the head female had a reputation for being aggressive.... and she went to charge us. The whole pride got up. We had time to get away but if they had been more confident it would have been bad.

Another incident same lions.... on a game walk with our head guide and a rifle. Found ourselves in the middle of the pride who had split in two and were laying in bushes. They were quite nervous of us being on foot luckily. We retreated slowly to our vehicle.

Walked into or had lions appear many times when walking back to our house/ room over the last 9 years.

Another incident with lions. We were actually in vacation in Kruger national park... yep on vacation we leave the bush to go to the bush. We were at a lion sighting and the lions in Kruger are known man eaters as many people try use the park as an easy illegal crossing from Mozambique. We went to start out car ready to leave the sighting.... nothing. Flat battery. No phone signal.

Thankfully a passing by vehicle stopped to help us jump start and I had to keep watching the 9 lions while my husband was connecting everything. As soon as the lions saw him out of the vehicle they were very alert and would start peeling off to investigate. Luckily They were quite a distance away.

Charged by elephants quite a few times but always been in a vehicle so the only issue would be if the car ever got stuck or something which has never happened.

Recently my husband was horse riding through a reserve and was charged by an elephant.

I've been cornered by a large male babboon when we lived on a farm. Luckily my dog scared it away.

Finally about a year ago we were self driving in a new national park trying to get to a friend's lodge. They weren't expecting us and we were trying to call the whole time but had no signal. At the gate we got directions from the gate guard. She was totally wrong. We got totally lost and there were tsetse (awful biting insects) everywhere, it was 35 degrees C and we were in a Land Rover defender with no air con. We were lost for 6 hours and eventually the road we were on tapered to nothing and we were surrounded by marshland.

We started seeing animals that were very surprised to see us which is never a good sign. We had one packed lunch and 3 bottles of water which we decide to ration in case we needed to spend the night in the bush in the car.

We retraced our route and saw a man made deck so decided to head for it and stay there... whichever lodge it might be. As luck would have it, it was our friends place.

When we arrived we explained where we had been... No one had driven that area of the reserve for 3 years because of the marsh land and tsetse flies. So no one would have found us and no one was looking for us. Worst case scenario though we would have lit a fire if we got stuck as then rangers will come to investigate in case it's poachers and we would have been rescued. But it was sobering and we never took it for granted to give an ETA when driving in the bush again.

/r/AskReddit Thread